Entrepreneur Registration


Individual entrepreneur «Grigorii Grabovoi PR KONSALTING TECHNOLOGIES OF ETERNAL DEVELOPMENT», performing its business activity based on the certificate of state registration of a physical person Grigori Grabovoi as an individual entrepreneur dated 21 September 2015, number 63983276, issued by the Business Registers Agency of the Republic of Serbia. Grigorii Grabovoi personally, as recorded in the documents of the Agency for the Registration of Business Entities of the Republic of Serbia www.apr.gov.rs  , personally put in an application for registration as an Individual Entrepreneur with the name " Grigorii Grabovoi PR Konsalting Technologies of Eternal Development ". On the basis of this application from 21 September 2015, the registration of entrepreneur was conducted under the number number 63983276.

Information on this registration can be obtained on the official website of the Agency for the Registration of Business Entities of the Republic of Serbia: Http://pretraga2.apr.gov.rs/ObjedinjenePretrage/Search/Search

For getting information about registration, you can enter in the second line of the page – “Business name” (“Пословно име”) - the name and surname of Grigorii Grabovoi, as in the passport: Grigorii Grabovoi. In the second line of “Register” ("Регистар") : you need to select the word: “Individual entrepreneur” (“Предузетника”)

Photocopy of the decision on registration: (Download)



Individualni preduzetnik «Grigorii Grabovoi PR KONSALTING TECHNOLOGIES OF ETERNAL DEVELOPMENT», koji obavlja svoju delatnost na osnovu potvrde o državnoj registraciji fizičkog lica Grigorii Grabovoi kao individualnog preduzetnika od 21. septembra 2015. godine ,broj 63983276, izdate od strane Agencije za privredne registre Republike Srbije. Grigorii Grabovoi je lično podneo zahtev za registraciju individualnog preduzetnika sa imenom «Grigorii Grabovoi PR KONSALTING TECHNOLOGIES OF ETERNAL DEVELOPMENT» u Agenciju za privredne registre Republike Srbije www.apr.gov.rs , što se može videti u dokumentima Agencije. Na osnovu toga zahteva od 21 septembra 2015. godine upisan je kao preduzetnik u Registar pod brojem №63983276.

Informacije o ovoj registraciji su dostupne na stranici zvaničnog sajta Agencije za privredne registre Republike Srbije: http://pretraga2.apr.gov.rs/ObjedinjenePretrage/Search/Search

Za dobijanje informacija o registraciji, možete da unesete u drugom redu stranice -"Poslovno ime" - ime i prezime Grigorii Grabovoi, kao u pasošu: Grigorii Grabovoi. U drugoj liniji - "Registar" - morate da izaberete reč: "Preduzetnika";

Fotokopija rešenja o registraciji: (Download)