Online web broadcasting of the device PRK-1U.
Application for participation in online web broadcasting should include your name, surname and date of birth and should be sent to the e-mail grigorii.grabovoi.pr@gmail.com no later than 1-3 days before the date of online web broadcasting.
Such period of time is required for individual settings of the device and allows you to work with the device for two academic hours (90 minutes).
This is the online web broadcasting of the device PRK-1U - for Partner Program.
The price for the access to online web broadcasting (for two academic hours) is 100 euros.
The organizers, who have collected a group of participants for online web broadcasting receive 50% of the amount of payments. Participants from the Organizer pay 50 EUR to the Organizer's account and EUR 50 to the "GRIGORII GRABOVOI PR CONSULTING TECHNOLOGIES OF ETERNAL DEVELOPMENT".
Then copies of payment data to the organizer and "GRIGORII GRABOVOI PR CONSULTING TECHNOLOGIES OF ETERNAL DEVELOPMENT" go to the grigorii.grabovoi.pr@gmail.com mail.
After that the participant of the online web broadcasting of the device PRK-1U receives data for access to the online web broadcasting of the device PRK-1U.