Information on the conclusion of the sub-license agreement
Documents required for the signing of Sublicense agreement and testing PRK-1U
1. Application (for 8) and Appendix (for 8) - DOWNLOAD PDF
2. Application (for 1) - DOWNLOAD PDF
3. Recommendations for testing PRK-1U - DOWNLOAD PDF
4.1. The PRK-1U modified device for development of concentrations testing protocol - DOWNLOAD PDF
4.2. The PRK-1U modified device for development of concentrations testing protocol (with permission to publish) - DOWNLOAD PDF
5. Protocol of testing PRK 1U. Distance - DOWNLOAD PDF
6. Protocol of testing PRK 1U. Physical presence - DOWNLOAD PDF
7. Information about the device for development of concentrations PRK-1U - READ
Документы, необходимые для подписания сублицензионного договора и тестирования ПРК-1У
1. Заявка (для 8) и Приложение (для 8) - DOWNLOAD PDF
2. Заявка (для 1) - DOWNLOAD PDF
3. Рекомендации при проведении испытаний ПРК-1У - DOWNLOAD PDF
4.1. Протокол испытания приборов развития концентраций вечной жизни ПРК-1У трёхрежимных - DOWNLOAD PDF
4.2. Протокол испытания приборов развития концентраций вечной жизни ПРК-1У трёхрежимных (с разрешением на публикацию) - DOWNLOAD PDF
5. Протокол испытаний ПРК-1У. Дистанционно - DOWNLOAD PDF
6. Протокол испытаний ПРК-1У. Личное присутствие - DOWNLOAD PDF
7. Информация о приборе развития концентраций ПРК-1У - READ
8. Протокол наблюдений после тестирования прибора развития концентраций ПРК - 1У - DOWNLOAD PDF
Dokumenta potrebna za potpisivanje ugovora o Podlicenci i testiranje PRK - 1U
1. Porudzbina (for 8) i Dodatak (for 8) - DOWNLOAD PDF
2. Application (for 1) - DOWNLOAD PDF
3. Preporuke za koncentracije tokom testiranja uređaja za razvoj koncentracija PRK-1U - DOWNLOAD PDF
4.1. Protokol ispitivanja pribora za razvoj koncentracija PRK-1U - DOWNLOAD PDF
4.2. Protokol ispitivanja pribora za razvoj koncentracija PRK-1U (uz dozvolu za objavljivanje) - DOWNLOAD PDF
5. Protokol testiranja PRK-1U (initial) - DOWNLOAD PDF
6. Protokol testiranja PRK-1U (initial) - DOWNLOAD PDF
7. Informacije o uređaju za razvoj koncentracija PRK-1U - READ
1. Application (for 8) and Appendix (for 8) - DOWNLOAD PDF
2. Application (for 1) - DOWNLOAD PDF
3. Recommendations for testing PRK-1U - DOWNLOAD PDF
4.1. The PRK-1U modified device for development of concentrations testing protocol - DOWNLOAD PDF
4.2. The PRK-1U modified device for development of concentrations testing protocol (mit Erlaubnis zur Veröffentlichung) - DOWNLOAD PDF
5. Protocol of testing PRK 1U. Distance - DOWNLOAD PDF
6. Protocol of testing PRK 1U. Physical presence - DOWNLOAD PDF
7. Information about the device for development of concentrations PRK-1U - READ
1. Demande (for 8) and Appendix (for 8) - DOWNLOAD PDF
2. Demande (for 1) - DOWNLOAD PDF
3. Recommendations for testing PRK-1U - DOWNLOAD PDF
4.1. Protocole du test des appareils du développement des concentrations PRK-1U et PRK-1U modifié - DOWNLOAD PDF
4.2. Protocole du test des appareils du développement des concentrations PRK-1U et PRK-1U modifié (avec la permission de publier) - DOWNLOAD PDF
5. Protocol of testing PRK 1U. Distance - DOWNLOAD PDF
6. Protocol of testing PRK 1U. Physical presence - DOWNLOAD PDF
7. Information about the device for development of concentrations PRK-1U - READ
1. Solicitud (para 8) y Apéndice (para 8) - DOWNLOAD PDF
2. Aplicación (para 1) - DOWNLOAD PDF
3. Recomendaciones para probar PRK-1U - DOWNLOAD PDF
4.1. El dispositivo modificado PRK-1U para el desarrollo de un protocolo de prueba de concentraciones - DOWNLOAD PDF
Information about PRK-1U in other languages can be found on the multilingual website