Sublicense agreement (offer)
Date:_ February 25, 2016
The Individual Entrepreneur «GRIGORII GRABOVOI PR KONSALTING TECHNOLOGIES OF ETERNAL DEVELOPMENT», acting on the basis of the Certificate regarding the State Registration for the physical entity Grigorii Grabovoi as the Individual Entrepreneur from September 21, 2015,
№ 63983276, issued by the Registration Agency for Enterprises of the Republic of Serbia, hereinafter referred to as the "Licensee", addresses the present Sublicense Agreement on granting the rights for using the "object of intellectual property" specified in the Clauses 1.1. and 1.1.1. of the Agreement, in the stipulated procedure of concluding the Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Sublicensee").
The Agreement, according to the Clause 33. of the Law of Serbia on obligations of the Agreement, is the public offer, of accepting terms (Acceptance), which is the performance of actions, stipulated by the Agreement.
The Terms of the Agreement regulate the relations between the Licensee and the Sublicensee and they contain the following definitions:
Offer - the present Document (Agreement), posted on Internet network at the Web address: https://pr.grigori-grabovoi.world (hereinafter - the "Site"). In accordance with the Agreement, the terms Offer and Agreement are equal.
Acceptance - full or unconditional assent to the Offer by the means of performing the actions, specified in the clauses of the Agreement.
Licensee - The Individual Entrepreneur «GRIGORII GRABOVOI PR KONSALTING TECHNOLOGIES OF ETERNAL DEVELOPMENT», who posts the Offer.
Sublicensee - legal or physical entity, who concludes the Agreement by the means of Acceptance on terms, contained in the Offer.
Object of Intellectual property - All textual, audio, video materials of the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigorii Grabovoi in all available languages and Grigorii Grabovoi's device for development of concentration PRK-1U.
Simple (non-exclusive) license - the non-exclusive right of the Sublicensee to use the Object of Intellectual Property with retention of right for the Licensee to issue the Licence to other entities.
Account - record of the Electronic registry, which is contained at the Site, which is related to the Sublicensee (and to Him/Her only) and which contains data on the Sublicensee and His/Her actions at the Site, including the identification data for Authorization.
Authorization - process of analyses of the identification data entered by the Sublicensee, on results of which the presence of His/Her right to use the Object of Intellectual Property is being determined. The identification data for access to the Object of Intellectual Property are determined as necessary and sufficient in the form of password and login (hereinafter referred to also as "Password" and "Login").
Terms, not determined by the concepts listed above, can be used in the Agreement. In that case, interpretation of such a term is performed in accordance with the text of the Agreement. In the case of absence of univocal interpretation of the term in the text of the Agreement, the Parties are guided by the interpretation of the term: first of all - which is determined at the Web site: https://pr.grigori-grabovoi.world
Procedure of concluding the Agreement
The Acceptance of the Agreement is performed by pressing the "I have read and agreed to terms of the Agreement" button by the User.
By performing the Acceptance of the Agreement in the procedure, determined in the clause of the Agreement, the Licensee guarantees to have read and agreed to, and fully and unconditionally accepts all terms of the Agreement.
The Agreement can be accepted by the Sublicensee exclusively as a whole.
The User confirms as valid that Acceptance of the Agreement is equivalent to concluding the Agreement on terms, presented in the Agreement.
The Offer is coming into force from the moment of its being posted on Internet network on the address Address of the Web site.. and is valid until the moment of the Offer revocation.
After terms of the present Agreement are being read and accepted by the Sublicensee, the User performs registration by creating the Account at the Site. Further using of the Object of Intellectual Property is possible only after the Authorization of the User is being done.
For the purposes of performing technical works according to the present Agreement it is recommended to sign the present Agreement in paper version.
Taking into consideration that:
1.The Licensee, who owns the right to use the materials and technologies created and developed by Grabovoi Grigori Petrovich, which compile the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi hereinafter referred to as the “object of intellectual property” and who has the right to use the devices developed on the basis of his patents, has the knowledge and experience necessary in the use of the “object of intellectual property” and devices.”
Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi has valid patents for the inventions that serve as the basis for the creation of the device for development of concentrations, carries out submitted and unsubmitted patent applications, owns the valid trademarks GRABOVOI® and GRIGORI GRABOVOI®, scientific publications, registration certificates for materials and the like, as well as the information listed in Annex 1 to this Agreement and on the websites:
www.grigori-grabovoi.world and www.licenzija8.wordpress.com
2. The Sublicensee wishes to be granted the right, under the terms of this Agreement, to use the aforementioned “object of intellectual property” and this Agreement was concluded, in order to make possible their use, as follows:
1. Subject of Agreement
1.1. The Licensee transfers to the Sub-Licensee a non-exclusive right to use the following “object of intellectual property”:
All the text, audio and video materials of the Education Program on the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi in all the available languages on a magnetic medium and in the Internet library of the Education Center. Information about the Education Program is given on the sites
www.grigori-grabovoi.world and www.licenzija8.wordpress.com.
1.1.1. Based on this sub-license agreement, taking into account the individual data, the Sublicensee is given a remote internet access to Grigori Grabovoi’s device for development of concentrations PRK-1U, developed on the basis of the valid patents of Grigori Grabovoi “Information Carrying System” and “The Method of Prevention of Catastrophes and the Device for its Realization”. The remote access is given through video-monitoring of the device in real time through the Internet. The video-watching that makes it possible to develop the concentrations through using the device that is working round-the-clock can be done from any place, where the Internet is available and from any equipment, that is, PC, laptop, iPad, smartphone.
By using this device, it is possible to develop the concentrations set forth in the materials of the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi and, on this basis, to develop other concentrations for creative purposes.
The principal characteristics of the sample device can be found on the website
www.licenzija8.wordpress.com and
1.2. The rights of use of the “object of intellectual property” are granted to the Sublicensee, but the Licensee keeps the right to grant to third parties the right to use the “object of intellectual property
2. Rights and obligations of the parties
2.1. The Sub-Licensee is granted the right for independent use of the “object of intellectual property” and of the device.
2.2. Within six (6) months from the date of signing this agreement, the Licensee shall transfer to the Sublicensee all the materials of the Education Program on the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi, on a magnetic medium, provides the remote internet access to the Device of Development Concentration PRK-1U, developed on the basis of Grigori Grabovoi's patents “Information Carrying System” and “Method of Prevention of Catastrophes and the Device for its Realization”. The access to the Internet library of the Education Center is provided immediately.
2.3. According to the Agreement, the Licensee, based on his patents, develops and completes the device of development of concentrations PRK-1U, taking into account the individual data of the Sublicensee, tests the device in compliance with the regulatory requirements.
2.4. In case of necessity, the Licensee shall provide assistance on the use of the device by supplying training video lectures to the Sublicensee.
2.5. During the term of this Agreement, the Licensee shall grant to the Sub-Licensee access to the existing and new materials from the library of the Educational Center for the Education Program on the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi, which shall be paid in accordance with this Agreement. Information about the Education Center can be found on the website http://educenter.grigori-grabovoi.world. Access to the Materials of the Educational Center library can be available immediately after the signing of this Agreement by sending a request to the e-mail grigorii.grabovoi.pr@gmail.com.
2.6. The Sublicensee is obliged to attach to this Agreement a protocol, signed before concluding this Agreement, regarding the tests of the sample of the device development of concentrations PRK-1U carried out by the Sublicensee with good results.
2.7. According to this Agreement, the Sublicensee may not provide sublicenses to third parties.
2.8. According to this Agreement, the Sublicensee is not entitled neither to publish, duplicate nor make public in any other way the materials of the Education Program on the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi, nor to produce and sell the devices, because that requires the conclusion of individual agreements with the Licensee.
2.9. Rights of authorship, inalienable rights and exclusive rights to the “object of intellectual property” are reserved by Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi.
3. Term of the Agreement
3.1. This agreement is concluded for a term of 4 (four) years and it is valid from the date of signing.
3.2. By signing a supplementary agreement to this agreement, it is possible to extend the validity of the sublicense agreement for an agreed period of time. An application for extending the term of the sublicense agreement shall be sent no later than 20 days before the expiration of the agreement.
4. Territory of use of the rights
4.1. In accordance with this Agreement, the Licensee grants to the Sublicensee the right of using the “object of intellectual property” on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, all the 28 EU member states, U.S.A., Australia, Japan, the People's Republic of China, the Countries of Central America and South America.
5. Warranties and liabilities
5.1. The Licensee guarantees that the “object of intellectual property” transferred on the USB hereunder, shall have no defects associated with the manufacturing of the USB.
5.2. This warranty is valid for twelve months after the Sublicensee receives all the materials regarding the “object of intellectual property”.
5.3. The Sublicensee guarantees that, before signing this Agreement, he tested Grigori Grabovoi’s sample device PRK-1U and concluded that the device for development of eternal life concentrations functions normally.
5.4. The Sublicensee is responsible for the use of the “object of intellectual property”.
6. Price of the Agreement
6.1. For the right of using the “object of intellectual property” according to this Agreement, the Sublicensee is obliged to pay to the Licensee an amount of 1212 EUR. The Sublicensee shall make the payments to the Licensee's account specified in this Agreement or in the form of payment that shall be additionally determined by the parties.
6.2. The Sublicensee shall make the payment within six (6) months from the date of signing this Agreement. The payment is made in full sum or in installments.
7. Other conditions
7.1. This Agreement shall come into force upon its signing by the Parties.
7.2. Issues arising from the interpretation and application of this Agreement, which are not regulated thereby, shall be regulated on the basis of the existing legislation.
7.3. Any amendments or additions to this Agreement shall be deemed valid if executed in writing and signed by the authorized representatives of the Parties.
7.4. The terms of this Agreement and any additional agreements are confidential.
7.5. The Agreement is drawn up in two copies, each having equal legal force. One shall be kept by the Licensee and the other one by the Sublicensee.
8. Addresses, details and signatures of the parties
The Licensee:
Address: Knez Mihailova. TC Milenijum 21a, office 113. Belgrade. The Republic of Serbia
E-mail: grigorii.grabovoi.pr@gmail.com
Skype: grigorii.grabovoi.pr
Pay Pal account: grigorii.grabovoi.pr@gmail.com
Bank details:
RSD: 265176031000055628
Account for any currency -
IBAN (International Bank Account Number):
Bank: Raiffeisen Bank A.D.
Address Bank: BELGRAD, D. Stanojevica 16.
The Sublicensee:
Bank details:
The Licensee:
____________________ /Grigorii Grabovoi/
The Sublicensee:
____________ ________________________
____________________ /________________/