Terms of Services Grigori Grabovoi Web Shop

Public Offer Agreement
Place of conclusion of the contract: Belgrade, Serbia.
Effective from 21.09.2015.
1. General provisions
1.1. These Terms and Conditions govern the relationship between the online store "GRIGORII GRABOVOI PR KONSALTING TECHNOLOGIES OF ETERNAL DEVELOPMENT" (hereinafter the Seller) and the Buyer. This document contains all the essential terms for rendering information services including purchase digital and online products provided by means of downloads or access to online resources on pr.grigori-grabovoi.world and on all other Internet sites through which the "GRIGORII GRABOVOI PR KONSALTING TECHNOLOGIES OF ETERNAL DEVELOPMENT" conducts its activities.
1.2. In case of accepting the set forth below conditions of the Offer and payment of the product the legal or physical person producing the acceptance of this Offer, becomes the Buyer.
2. Subject of the Offer
2.1. The subject of this public contract offer is rendering to the Buyer information services including purchase digital and online products provided by means of downloads or access to online resources on www.pr.grigori-grabovoi.world , for which the payment has been made by the Buyer.
2.2. The Seller has the right at any time to change the terms and conditions of this public Offer unilaterally and without preliminary coordination with the Buyer, but the Buyer `s order will be subject to the version of the terms and conditions on our website when the Buyer placed his order, exept webinars schedule.
2.3. The Seller has the right at any time to change the webinars schedule unilaterally and without preliminary co-ordination with the Buyer by publishing the information about modified terms on the site www.pr.grigori-grabovoi.world at least one day before their bringing into action (except for force majeure).
3. Conditions and procedure for services rendering
3.1. Information services are rendered in full in case of one hundred percent payment by Buyer.
3.2. After payment of the purchased product selected by the Buyer reference to download or access to online resources are sent to the Buyer by e-mail (indicated in the registration on www.pr.grigori-grabovoi.world).
3.3. The Buyer is responsible for all hardware, software, network availability and Internet connectivity required to access and/or use online resources and downloads.
The Seller will provide the Buyer a information about hardware and software required to use purchased products on his website.
3.4. The Seller is not responsible for any failure of the Buyer service for reasons related to the violation of Internet-channel, hardware or software from the Customer`s side during downloads or access to online resources on www.pr.grigori-grabovoi.world
3.5. If the Buyer is unable to complete the download process where this is due to the Seller default, the Seller will replace or refund the download.
3.6. Return products of good quality:
3.6.1. Products of good quality can not be returned.
3.7. Return products of poor quality:
3.7.1. The Buyer, in case of deficiencies in the product, has the right to refuse to perform this Agreement and request a refund for the amount of such products, or make a claim for its replacement by a similar product in the following cases:
• detection of a significant shortage of goods;
• violation of terms of eliminating defects in the goods;
3.7.2. Refund of payment is available after receipt of a written request for refund within the next day after the day of purchase. At the expiration of mentioned time the money is not returned. The refund shall be made within 10 (ten) days from the date of receipt of the application for a refund.
3.8. No claims for the return of funds contributed as payment for the purchased product in accordance with paragraph 3.7. of this public contract offer, means that the services are provided on time and are of good quality.
3.9. The Buyer may not
3.9.1. Re-sell, distribute, forward, rent or lease the product or any part of it.
3.9.2. Copy any part of the product.
3.9.3. Decompile or disassemble the product or convert it into any other format or medium.
3.9.4. Use the product on more than the permitted number of devices at a time.
3.9.5. Bypass, modify, defeat or circumvent security features that protect digital products, ebooks or online resources on website www.pr.grigori-grabovoi.world
3.9.6. Remove or alter any trademark, copyright or patent document on any of the products on the website www.pr.grigori-grabovoi.world
3.9. All content supplied to the Buyer by the Seller is the Seller `s property or that of his affiliates or of third parties who have granted to the Seller rights and is protected by international copyright laws.
4. Special conditions for webinars.
4.1. Reference-access for the entrance to the webinar is for the personal use of the Buyer.
4.2. It is prohibited to transfer access to the Webinar to third parties without a special permission from the Seller. The Seller reserves right to disconnect a person who uses false or already used credentials to access the Webinar.
4.3. The Seller reserves the right to record webinars.
4.4. The Buyer is prohibited to record Webinars without special permission of the Seller. The Buyer shell use the Webinar content and provided materials for personal use only and shell not wholly or partially publish them, as well as place them on the Internet, make copies, transfer or re-sell to third parties and create any kind of new products based on them.
4.5. Buyer’s participation in the webinar means that the information services are rendered in time and of good quality.
4.6. Webinar presenter reserves the right to disconnect the Buyer from the Webinar without the right to refund in case of misconduct on the Webinar
4.7. The Buyer shall ensure the uninterrupted work of Internet-channel, hardware and software from his part during the webinar
4.8. If for any reason the Seller doesn`t hold a webinar on time, he is responsible to hold the corresponding webinar in new terms of time, about what the Buyer must be notified.
4.9. In case if the Buyer missed the webinar for technical reasons beyond the control of the Buyer, the Seller according to the additional application of the Buyer gives him the opportunity to listen to the audio or video recording of the webinar within 3 days (in that case, if the recording is done).
4.10. The proposed methods do not replace medical treatment for webinar / seminar participants.
5. Protection of intellectual property rights
5.1. The natural person Grigori Grabovoi and legal entity GRIGORII GRABOVOI PR KONSALTING TECHNOLOGIES OF ETERNAL DEVELOPMENT are the owner of copyright and other exclusive rights to materials, published on the Site, in particular: the right to photo and video, text, design and artistic solutions implemented in the design of the site, selection, location, systematization and conversion of data contained in the Site, the Site code.
5.2. Any copying and reproduction of materials without the consent of the Administration of the Site is strictly prohibited.
5.3. The Buyer is responsible for making all the necessary actions to obtain authorization to use the intellectual property. In some cases, the Buyer may need to obtain the consent of the people depicted in the photographs or the author's consent.
5.4.Trademarks, logos, service marks, trade names displayed on the Site are registered trademarks and can not be used without written permission of their owner.
5.5. The Buyer must not remove or amend any trade mark, copyright or proprietary notice on any of products on www.pr.grigori-grabovoi.world . The Buyer acknowledge that all rights in and to any and all copyrights, know how and other intellectual property rights relating to our products are and shall remain our property. The Buyer will not at any time do, or cause to be done, any act or thing which impairs or infringes those rights.
6. Privacy Policy
6.1. The Site Administration does not collect personal information or any other personal information, except you are agree to provide such information through the Site.
6.2. By providing their personal data online registration, the Buyer agrees to their processing by the Seller, including for the purpose of promoting the Seller of goods and services. All personal data transmitted by the Buyer under this Agreement offer belong to the group of personal data public.
6.3.By sending their personal data to the Site or the transmission of personal data Site Administration in another way, you agree the Site Administration can use o your personal data, including collection, storage, use, destruction of data for the purpose of ordering, payment, delivery, returns, answers to questions, requests, letters addressed through the Site, to ensure you receive information about products and services, discounts and promotions or for any other purpose, to achieve which the personal data were sent to the Site Administration. By making a purchase on the Site, you agree to receive e-mails and phone calls, notifies you about the status of the order, at your registered e-mail addresses and phone numbers.
6.4.If you do not agree with the use of your personal data, please send email to Site Administration with your rejection of using your personal data. In this case, all the information received from Buyer (including o login and password) is removed from the Seller customer base of buyers and Buyer will not be able to place orders on the Website.
7. Responsibility of parties
7.1. The Seller is not responsible for the way how the Buyer will use the information received from the digital and online products on pr.grigori-grabovoi.world , as well as on all other Internet sites through which the Seller operates and for the results of their use.
7.2. The Seller supply his products and services for personal and educational use only. The proposed methods do not replace the medical treatment of the training participants. Methods, products and services do not limit the contact of the Buyer and other participants of the educational process to medical institutions, as they relate only to the field of education. As far as is permitted by law, the Seller exclude all implied warranties, conditions or other terms and he will not be liable for any losses (including loss of profits, business, revenue, contracts, or wasted expenditure), or any special, indirect or consequential loss, howsoever caused.
7.3. The aggregate liability of the Seller under the contract of the оffer, for any claim according to the execution of the agreement is limited to the fee paid by the Customer to the Seller for the digital and online product on www.pr.grigori-grabovoi.world
7.4. Public offers on the digital and online products are presented for the following territories: the countries of the European Union: Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, France, Great Britain, Denmark, Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Hungary, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Sloveni , the Czech Republic, Estonia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, as well as the USA, Japan, China, Australia and Serbia. The agreement of this public offer is not presented in other countries. In case of purchasing the digital and online products by citizens of other countries, the Seller is not responsible to them.
8. Term and modification of the contract offer
8.1. All disputes and disagreements are settled by the Parties by negotiations.
8.2.In case of questions and complaints from the Buyer, he should contact the Customer Service by phone or via the feedback form in the "Contact Us" on the Site.
8.3. The Seller reserve the right to terminate any contract formed under these terms and conditions immediately by written notice and to take action to recover damages suffered to the Seller if the Customer breach any of these provisions.
8.4. All issues not settled by the present contract Offer, are settled in accordance with the current legislation of Serbia.
Registration number 63983276
Kneza Mihaila 21a, office 113.