1. Description of the device of development of concentrations PRK-1UM - READ
2. Warning before using the PRK-1UM device - READ
3. Instructions for turning on the PRK-1UM device - READ
4. The PRK-1UM device. Description and methods of working with the device (booklet) - READ
5. Certificate from the "Idvorsky Laboratories" of compliance of the PRK-1UM device with the Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations - READ
6.1. Main report of "Idvorski Laboratorije" on testing of the PRK-1UM device - READ
6.2. The second report of "Idvorski Laboratorije" on testing of the PRK-1UM device with a class 1 laser - READ
7. Report of "AN LAB CO" on testing of the PRK-1UM device - READ
8. Certificate of Registration for a UK Design of the PRK-1UM device (Intellectual Property Office) - READ (Designs Register in BOIP)
9. Document on registration of industrial design of the PRK-1UM device at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property - READ (DE)
1. Описание прибора развития концентраций ПРК-1УМ - READ
2. Предупреждение перед использованием прибора ПРК-1УМ - READ
3. Инструкция по включению прибора ПРК-1УМ - READ
4. Прибор ПРК-1УМ. Описание и методики работы с прибором (брошюра) - READ
5. Сертификат "Idvorski Laboratorije" о соответствии прибора ПРК-1УМ правилам электромагнитной совместимости - READ
6.1. Основной отчет "Idvorski Laboratorije" об испытаниях прибора ПРК-1УМ - READ (EN)
6.2. Второй отчет "Idvorski Laboratorije" об испытаниях прибора ПРК-1УМ с лазером 1 класса - READ (EN)
7. Отчет "AN LAB CO" об испытаниях прибора ПРК-1УМ - READ (EN)
8. Сертификат о регистрации промышленного образца прибора ПРК-1УМ в Великобритании (Intellectual Property Office) - READ (EN) (Designs Register in BOIP)
9. Документ о регистрации промышленного образца прибора ПРК-1УМ в Швейцарском федеральном институте интеллектуальной собственности - READ (DE)
1. Opis uređaja za razvoj koncentracija PRK-1UM - READ
2. Napomena pre korišćenja uređaja PRK-1UM - READ
3. Instrukcije za uključivanje uređaja PRK-1UM - READ
4. Uređaj PRK-1UM. Opis i metodike rada sa uređajem (brošura) - READ
5. Sertifikat „Idvorski Laboratorija” o usaglašenosti uređaja PRK-1UM sa propisima elektromagnetske kompatibilnosti - READ
6.1. Glavni izveštaj „Idvorski laboratorija” o ispitivanjima uređaja PRK-1UM - READ (EN)
6.2. Drugi izveštaj „Idvorski laboratorija” o ispitivanjima uređaja PRK-1UM sa laserom klase 1 - READ (EN)
7. Izveštaj „AN LAB CO“ o testiranju uređaja PRK-1UM - READ (EN)
8. Certificate of Registration for a UK Design of the PRK-1UM device (Intellectual Property Office) - READ (EN) (Designs Register in BIOP)
9. Document on registration of industrial design of the PRK-1UM device at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property - READ (DE)
1. Beschreibung des Geräts der Entwicklung der Konzentrationen PRK-1UM - READ
2. Warnung vor der Verwendung des PRK-1UM-Geräts - READ
3. Anweisungen zum Einschalten des PRK-1UM-Geräts - READ
4. Das PRK-1UM Gerät. Beschreibung und Arbeitsmethoden mit dem PRK-1U Gerät (Broschüre) - READ
5. Zertifikat der „Idvorsky Laboratories“ über die Konformität des Geräts PRK-1UM mit den Vorschriften zur elektromagnetischen Verträglichkeit - READ
6.1. Hauptbericht von „Idvorski Laboratorije“ zum Testen des PRK-1UM-Geräts - READ (EN)
6.2. Der zweite Bericht von "Idvorski Laboratorije" über den Test des PRK-1UM-Geräts mit einem Laser der Klasse 1 - READ (EN)
7. Bericht von „AN LAB CO“ über den Test des PRK-1UM-Geräts - READ (EN)
8. Certificate of Registration for a UK Design of the PRK-1UM device (Intellectual Property Office) - READ (EN) (Designs Register in BOIP)
9. Document on registration of industrial design of the PRK-1UM device at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property - READ (DE)
1. Description du dispositif de développement des concentrations de la vie éternelle PRK-1UM - READ
2. Précautions à prendre avant d'utiliser le dispositif PRK-1UM - READ
3. IInstructions pour la mise en marche de la dispositif PRK-1UM - READ
4. Le dispositif PRK-1UM. Description et méthodes de travail avec le dispositif (brochure) - READ
5. Certificat des « Laboratoires Idvorsky » de conformité du dispositif PRK-1UM aux normes de compatibilité électromagnétique - READ
6.1. Rapport principal du « Laboratoire Idvorski » sur les tests du dispositif PRK-1UM - READ (EN)
6.2. Le deuxième rapport du « Laboratoire Idvorski » sur les tests du dispositif PRK-1UM avec un laser de classe 1 - READ (EN)
7. Rapport de « AN LAB CO » sur les tests du dispositif PRK-1UM - READ (EN)
8. Certificate of Registration for a UK Design of the PRK-1UM device (Intellectual Property Office) - READ (EN) (Designs Register in BOIP)
9. Document on registration of industrial design of the PRK-1UM device at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property - READ (DE)
1. Descrizione del dispositivo dello sviluppo delle concentrazioni PRK-1UM - READ
2. Avvertenze prima dell'uso del dispositivo PRK-1UM - READ
3. Istruzioni per l'accensione del dispositivo PRK-1UM - READ
4. Il dispositivo PRK-1UM. Descrizione e metodi di lavoro con il dispositivo (opuscolo) - READ
5. Certificato dei "Laboratori Idvorsky" di conformità del dispositivo PRK-1UM alle Norme sulla compatibilità elettromagnetica - READ
6.1. Rapporto principale di "Idvorski Laboratorije" sui test del dispositivo PRK-1UM - READ (EN)
6.2. Secondo rapporto di "Idvorski Laboratorije" sui test del dispositivo PRK-1UM con un laser di classe 1 - READ (EN)
7. Rapporto di "AN LAB CO" sui test del dispositivo PRK-1UM - READ (EN)
8. Certificate of Registration for a UK Design of the PRK-1UM device (Intellectual Property Office) - READ (EN) (Designs Register in BOIP)
9. Document on registration of industrial design of the PRK-1UM device at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property - READ (DE)
1. Descripción del dispositivo para el desarrollo de las concentraciones PRK-1UM - READ
2. Advertencia antes de utilizar el dispositivo PRK-1UM - READ
3. Instrucciones para encender el dispositivo PRK-1UM - READ
4. El dispositivo PRK-1UM. Descripción y metodologías de trabajo con el dispositivo PRK-1U (folleto) - READ
5. Certificado de los "Idvorsky Laboratories" sobre la conformidad del dispositivo PRK-1UM con el Reglamento de compatibilidad electromagnética - READ
6.1. Informe principal de «Idvorski Laboratorije» sobre las pruebas del dispositivo PRK-1UM - READ (EN)
6.2. El segundo informe de «Idvorski Laboratorije» sobre las pruebas del dispositivo PRK-1UM con un láser de clase 1 - READ (EN)
7. Informe de "AN LAB CO" sobre las pruebas del dispositivo PRK-1UM - READ (EN)
8. Certificate of Registration for a UK Design of the PRK-1UM device (Intellectual Property Office) - READ (EN) (Designs Register in BOIP)
9. Document on registration of industrial design of the PRK-1UM device at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property - READ (DE)
1. Descrição do dispositivo de desenvolvimento de concentrações PRK-1UM - READ
2. Advertência antes de utilizar o dispositivo PRK-1UM - READ
3. Instruções para ligar o dispositivo PRK-1UM - READ
4. O dispositivo PRK-1UM. Descrição e metodologias de trabalho com o dispositivo PRK-1UM (folheto) - READ
5. Certificado dos "Idvorsky Laboratories" de conformidade do dispositivo PRK-1UM com os Regulamentos de Compatibilidade Eletromagnética - READ
6.1. Relatório principal do “Idvorski Laboratorije” sobre os ensaios do dispositivo PRK-1UM - READ (EN)
6.2. O segundo relatório do “Idvorski Laboratorije” sobre o teste do dispositivo PRK-1UM com um laser de classe 1 - READ (EN)
7. Relatório "AN LAB CO" sobre o teste do dispositivo PRK-1UM - READ (EN)
8. Certificate of Registration for a UK Design of the PRK-1UM device (Intellectual Property Office) - READ (EN) (Designs Register in BOIP)
9. Document on registration of industrial design of the PRK-1UM device at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property - READ (DE)
1. Descrierea dispozitivului de dezvoltare a concentrațiilor PRK-1UM - READ
2. Atenționare înainte de utilizarea dispozitivului PRK-1UM - READ
3. Instrucțiuni pentru pornirea dispozitivului PRK-1UM - READ
4. Dispozitivul PRK-1UM. Descrierea și metodologiile de lucru cu dispozitivul (broșură) - READ
5. Certificate from the "Idvorsky Laboratories" of compliance of the PRK-1UM device with the Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations - READ
6.1. Raportul principal al „Idvorski Laboratorije” privind testarea dispozitivului PRK-1UM - READ (EN)
6.2. Al doilea raport al „Idvorski Laboratorije” privind testarea dispozitivului PRK-1UM cu un laser de clasă 1 - READ (EN)
7. Raportul „AN LAB CO” privind testarea dispozitivului PRK-1UM - READ (EN)
8. Certificate of Registration for a UK Design of the PRK-1UM device (Intellectual Property Office) - READ (EN) (Designs Register in BOIP)
9. Document on registration of industrial design of the PRK-1UM device at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property - READ (DE)
1. A PRK-1UM koncentrációfejlesztő eszköz leírása - READ
2. Figyelmeztetés a PRK-1UM használata előtt - READ
3. Utasítások a PRK-1UM bekapcsolásakor - READ
4. A PRK-1UM eszköz. Az eszközzel történő munka leírása és módszertana (brosúra) - READ
5. Az Idvorski Laboratorije tanúsítványa arról, hogy a PRK-1UM eszköz megfelel az elektromágneses előírásoknak - READ
6.1. Az Idvorski Laboratorije alapjelentése a PRK-1UM készülék vizsgálatáról - READ (EN)
6.2. Az Idvorski Laboratorije második jelentése a PRK-1UM, 1. osztályú lézerrel felszerelt készülék vizsgálatáról - READ (EN)
7. Az „AN LAB CO” jelentése a PRK-1UM eszköz teszteléséről - READ (EN)
8. Certificate of Registration for a UK Design of the PRK-1UM device (Intellectual Property Office) - READ (EN) (Designs Register in BOIP)
9. Document on registration of industrial design of the PRK-1UM device at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property - READ (DE)