1. Description of the device of development of concentrations PRK-1U - READ
2. The methods of concentrations with the PRK-1U device - READ
3. The PRK-1U device testing guidelines - READ
4. Additional information about the PRK-1U device - READ
5. The principle of work with the PRK-1U device. The mechanism of operation of the PRK-1U device - READ
6.1. Testing protocol of devices of development of concentrations PRK-1U three-mode - DOWNLOAD PDF
6.2. Testing protocol of devices of development of concentrations PRK-1U three-mode (with permission to publish) - DOWNLOAD PDF
7. Certificate from the "Idvorsky Laboratories" of compliance of the PRK-1U device with the Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations - READ (EN) / READ (SRB)
8. Certificate from Institute "Vinсa" of compliance of the PRK-1U device with safety requirements - READ (EN) / READ (SRB)
9. Certificate PRK-1U according to ISO 13485:2016 of compliance of medical devices and manufacturing with the requirements of EN ISO 13485 - READ (EN) / READ (SRB)
10. CE certificate of conformity of PRK-1U with the provisions of the European Union Directive (LVD) (2014/35/EU) - READ
11. Certificate of Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015 - READ (EN) / READ (SRB)
12. Certificate of the International Standard for Information Security Management System ISO 27001:2013 - READ (EN) / READ (SRB)
13. Certificate of Energy Management Systems ISO 50001: 2018 protecting the environment - READ (EN) / READ (SRB)
14. Certificate of Occupational Health and Safety Management System ISO 45001:2018 - READ (EN) / READ (SRB)
15. Warning before using the PRK-1U device - READ
16. The device PRK-1U. Description and methodologies of working with the device (booklet) - READ
17. Patent from the US Patent and Trademark Office for the invention "Device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U three-modes" - READ
17.1. Information about the Invention by Grigori Grabovoi The "Device of Development of Concentrations of Eternal Life PRK-1U is of Three-modes" - READ
1. Описание прибора развития концентраций ПРК-1У - READ
2. Методы концентраций с прибором ПРК-1У - READ
3. Рекомендации при проведении испытаний прибора развития концентраций ПРК-1У - READ
4. Дополнительная информация о приборе ПРК-1У - READ
5. Принцип работы с прибором ПРК-1У. Механизм действия прибора ПРК-1У - READ
6.1. Протокол испытания приборов развития концентраций вечной жизни ПРК-1У трёхрежимных - DOWNLOAD PDF
6.2. Протокол испытания приборов развития концентраций вечной жизни ПРК-1У трёхрежимных (с разрешением на публикацию) - DOWNLOAD PDF
7. Сертификат "Idvorski Laboratorije" о соответствии прибора ПРК-1У правилам электромагнитной совместимости - READ (EN) / READ (SRB)
8. Сертификат "Institute Vincha" о соответствии прибора ПРК-1У требованиям безопасности - READ (EN) / READ (SRB)
9. Сертификат ПРК-1У по ISO 13485:2016 соответствия медицинских изделий и производств требованиям стандарта EN ISO 13485 - READ (EN) / READ (SRB)
10. Сертификат СЕ о соответствии ПРК-1У положениям Директивы Европейского Союза (LVD) (2014/35/EU) - READ
11. Сертификат качества ISO 9001:2015 - READ (EN) / READ (SRB)
12. Сертификат международного стандарта управления информационной безопасностью ISO 27001:2013 - READ (EN) / READ (SRB)
13. Сертификат системы энергетического менеджмента ISO 50001:2018 защищающий экологию - READ (EN) / READ (SRB)
14. Сертификат системы менеджмента охраны здоровья и обеспечения безопасности труда ISO 45001:2018 - READ (EN) / READ (SRB)
15. Предупреждение перед использованием прибора ПРК-1У - READ
16. Прибор ПРК-1У. Описание и методики работы с прибором (брошюра) - READ
17. Патент из Патентного и товарного ведомства США на изобретение «Прибор развития концентраций вечной жизни ПРК-1У трёхрежимный» - READ (EN)
17.1. Сведения об изобретении Григория Грабового «Прибор развития концентраций вечной жизни ПРК-1У трёхрежимный» - READ
1. Opis uređaja za razvoj koncentracija PRK-1U - READ
2. Metode koncentracija sa uređajem PRK-1U - READ
3. Preporuke za sprovođenje testiranja uređaja PRK-1U - READ
4. Dodatne informacije o uređaju PRK-1U - ...
5. Princip rada sa uređajem PRK-1U. Mehanizam delovanja uređaja PRK-1U - ...
6.1. Protokol testiranja uređaja za razvoj koncentracija PRK-1U tri mod - DOWNLOAD PDF
6.2. Protokol testiranja uređaja za razvoj koncentracija PRK-1U tri mod (sa dozvolom za objavljivanje) - DOWNLOAD PDF
7. Sertifikat „Idvorski Laboratorija” o usaglašenosti uređaja PRK-1U sa propisima elektromagnetske kompatibilnosti - READ
8. Sertifikat Instituta „Vinča” o usaglašenosti uređaja PRK-1U sa zahtevima bezbednosti - READ
9. Sertifikat PRK-1U prema ISO 13485:2016 o usaglašenosti medicinskih uređaja i proizvodnje sa zahtevima standarda EN ISO 13485 - READ
10. Sertifikat CE o usaglašenosti PRK-1U sa odredbama Direktive Evropske unije (LVD) (2014/35/EU) - READ
11. Sertifikat za Sistem menadžmenta kvalitetom ISO 9001:2015 - READ
12. Sertifikat međunarodnog standarda za Sistem menadžmenta bezbednošću informacija ISO 27001:2013 - READ
13. Sertifikat za Sistem menadžmenta energijom ISO 50001:2018 sa zaštitom životne sredine - READ
14. Sertifikat za Sistem menadžmenta bezbednošću i zdravljem na radu ISO 45001:2018 - READ
15. Napomena pre korišćenja uređaja PRK-1U - READ
16. Uređaj PRK-1U. Opis i metodike rada sa uređajem (brošura) - READ
17. Patent from the US Patent and Trademark Office for the invention "Device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U three-modes" - READ (EN)
17.1. Information about the Invention by Grigori Grabovoi The "Device of Development of Concentrations of Eternal Life PRK-1U is of Three-modes" - READ (EN)
1. Beschreibung des Geräts der Entwicklung der Konzentrationen PRK-1U - READ
2. Konzentrationsmethoden mit dem PRK-1U Gerät - READ
3. Empfehlungen bei der Durchführung von Tests des PRK-1U Gerätes - READ
4. Zusätzliche Informationen zum PRK-1U Gerät - READ
5. Prinzip der Arbeit mit der PRK-1U Geräte. Wirkungsmechanismus der PRK-1U Geräte - READ
6.1. Protokoll über das Testen der Geräte der Entwicklung der Konzentrationen PRK-1U - DOWNLOAD PDF
6.2. Protokoll über das Testen der Geräte der Entwicklung der Konzentrationen PRK-1U (mit Erlaubnis zur Veröffentlichung) - DOWNLOAD PDF
7. Zertifikat der „Idvorsky Laboratories“ über die Konformität des Geräts PRK-1U mit den Vorschriften zur elektromagnetischen Verträglichkeit - READ (DE) / READ (SRB)
8. Zertifikat des Instituts „Vinсa“ über die Konformität des PRK-1U-Geräts mit den Sicherheitsanforderungen - READ (DE) / READ (SRB)
9. Zertifikat PRK-1U nach ISO 13485:2016 über die Konformität von Medizinprodukten und deren Herstellung mit den Anforderungen der EN ISO 13485 - READ (EN) / READ (SRB)
10. CE-Konformitätszertifikat des PRK-1U mit den Bestimmungen der Richtlinie der Europäischen Union (LVD) (2014/35/EU) - READ
11. Zertifizierung des Qualitätsmanagementsystems nach ISO 9001:2015 - READ (EN) / READ (SRB)
12. Zertifizierung der Informationssicherheit und Cybersicherheit nach ISO 27001:2013 - READ (EN) / READ (SRB)
13. Zertifizierung des Energiemanagementsystems nach ISO 50001:2018 - READ (EN) / READ (SRB)
14. Zertifizierung des Managementsystems für Gesundheit und Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz nach ISO 45001:2018 - READ (EN) / READ (SRB)
15. Warnung vor der verwendung des gerätes PRK-1U - READ
16. Das PRK-1U Gerät. Beschreibung und Arbeitsmethoden mit dem Gerät (Broschüre) - READ
17. Patent from the US Patent and Trademark Office for the invention "Device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U three-modes" - READ (EN)
17.1. Information about the Invention by Grigori Grabovoi The "Device of Development of Concentrations of Eternal Life PRK-1U is of Three-modes" - READ (EN)
1. Description du dispositif de développement des concentrations PRK-1U - READ
2. Les méthodes de concentrations avec le dispositif PRK-1U - READ
3. Recommandations pour le test du dispositif PRK-1U - ...
4. Informations supplémentaires sur le dispositif PRK-1U - READ
5. Le principe de fonctionnement du dispositif PRK-1U. Le mécanisme d'action du dispositif PRK-1U - READ
6.1. Protocole du test des appareils du développement des concentrations PRK-1U - DOWNLOAD PDF
6.2. Protocole du test des appareils du développement des concentrations PRK-1U (avec la permission de publier) - DOWNLOAD PDF
7. Certificat des « Laboratoires Idvorsky » de conformité du dispositif PRK-1U aux normes de compatibilité électromagnétique - READ (FR) / READ (SRB)
8. Certificat de l'Institut « Vinca » de conformité du dispositif PRK-1U aux exigences de sécurité - READ (FR) / READ (SRB)
9. Certificat selon la norme ISO 13485:2016 de conformité des dispositifs médicaux et de leur fabrication aux exigences de la norme EN ISO 13485 - READ (FR) / READ (SRB)
10. Certificat CE de conformité du PRK-1U aux dispositions de la directive de l'Union européenne (LVD) (2014/35/UE) - READ (FR)
11. Certificat de système de gestion de la qualité ISO 9001:2015 - READ (FR) / READ (SRB)
12. Certificat de conformité à la norme internationale ISO 27001:2013 relative aux systèmes de gestion de la sécurité de l'information - READ (FR) / READ (SRB)
13. Certificat de système de management de l'énergie ISO 50001:2018 - READ (FR) / READ (SRB)
14. Certificat du système de gestion de la santé et de la sécurité au travail ISO 45001:2018 - READ (EN) / READ (SRB)
15. Information avant l’utilisation du dispositif - READ
16. Le dispositif PRK-1U. Description et méthodes de travail avec le dispositif (brochure) - READ (FR)
17. Patent from the US Patent and Trademark Office for the invention "Device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U three-modes" - READ (EN)
17.1. Information about the Invention by Grigori Grabovoi The "Device of Development of Concentrations of Eternal Life PRK-1U is of Three-modes" - READ (EN)
1. Descrizione del dispositivo dello sviluppo delle concentrazioni PRK-1U - READ
2. I metodi di concentrazione con il dispositivo PRK-1U - READ
7. Certificato dei "Laboratori Idvorsky" di conformità del dispositivo PRK-1U alle Norme sulla compatibilità elettromagnetica - READ (IT) / READ (SRB)
8. Certificato dell'istituto "Vinca" di conformità del dispositivo PRK-1U ai requisiti di sicurezza - READ (IT) / READ (SRB)
15. Avvertenza prima dell’utilizzo del dispositivo - READ
16. Il dispositivo PRK-1U. Descrizione e metodi di lavoro con il dispositivo (opuscolo) - READ (IT)
17. Patent from the US Patent and Trademark Office for the invention "Device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U three-modes" - READ (EN)
17.1. Information about the Invention by Grigori Grabovoi The "Device of Development of Concentrations of Eternal Life PRK-1U is of Three-modes" - READ (EN)
1. Descripción del dispositivo para el desarrollo de las concentraciones PRK-1U - READ
2. Мétodos de concentración con el dispositivo PRK-1U - READ
3. Recomendaciones para las pruebas del dispositivo PRK-1U - READ
6.1. Protocolo de prueba de los dispositivos para el desarrollo de las concentraciones PRK-1U - DOWNLOAD PDF
7. Certificado de los "Idvorsky Laboratories" sobre la conformidad del dispositivo PRK-1U con el Reglamento de compatibilidad electromagnética - READ (ESP) / READ (SRB)
8. Certificado del Instituto "Vinca" de conformidad del dispositivo PRK-1U con los requisitos de seguridad - READ (ESP) / READ (SRB)
15. Advertencias antes de utilizar el dispositivo - READ
16. El dispositivo PRK-1U. Descripción y metodologías de trabajo con el dispositivo (folleto) - READ (ESP)
17. Patent from the US Patent and Trademark Office for the invention "Device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U three-modes" - READ (EN)
17.1. Information about the Invention by Grigori Grabovoi The "Device of Development of Concentrations of Eternal Life PRK-1U is of Three-modes" - READ (EN)
1. Descrição do dispositivo de desenvolvimento de concentrações PRK-1U - READ
2. Métodos de concentração com o dispositivo PRK-1U - READ
7. Certificado dos "Idvorsky Laboratories" de conformidade do dispositivo PRK-1U com os Regulamentos de Compatibilidade Eletromagnética - READ (PORT) / READ (SRB)
8. Certificado do Instituto "Vinca" de conformidade do dispositivo PRK-1U com os requisitos de segurança - READ (PORT) / READ (SRB)
15. Aviso antes de usar o dispositivo - READ
16. O dispositivo PRK-1U. Descrição e metodologias de trabalho com o dispositivo (folheto) - READ (PORT)
17. Patent from the US Patent and Trademark Office for the invention "Device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U three-modes" - READ (EN)
17.1. Information about the Invention by Grigori Grabovoi The "Device of Development of Concentrations of Eternal Life PRK-1U is of Three-modes" - READ (EN)
Information about PRK-1U in other languages can be found on the multilingual website